The rise of public and private digital currencies is disrupting both domestic and cross-border payments and settlement. But this an industry particularly prone to noise and hype.

As a professional in this space, where does one turn for reasoned, useful information?

The New Money Brief offers a hype-free, deeply-informed digest of worldwide news, focused how digital currencies are impacting payments and economic change across the global economy.

Delivered several times times a week. This newsletter was created and is edited by Marc Andrew.


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To ensure you’re among the best informed professionals in the fast-emerging world of public and private digital currencies.

The newsletter provides you with information to help make considered decisions and stay ahead of the field, whether your role is in government or business.

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A global lens on the rise of digital-native financial infrastructure. Trusted by leaders at Stripe, Goldman Sachs, major central banks, Revolut, IBM and many others.


A global review on the rise of digital-native financial infrastructure.